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2021-01-12 16:26 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Exclusive Revelation of GTS. Criminal, Jun Zhang!

It has been several months since GTS collapsed. Almost all the customers focused on the boss. Many people don't know the internal structure of GTS, so they can identify the thing. I'll expose some inside scoop directly: This guy is called Jun Zhang from Shanghai. He worked for the boss for five years. The boss fired all employees in the company except Jun Zhang and his wife at the end of 2018. Jun Zhang was responsible for the third party payment channel, settings and management of the background, docking of liquidity companies and settlement of commissions. His wife was reponsible for checking on commission and organizing exhibitions and investment meetings. His wife wasn't exposed to us. Bin Wang who is from Shandong and GTS began to maiking a security position mode. It seems like a pyramid selling cuz customers are agents. So it raised thousands of customers within two months. And deposits became millions. Jun Zhang didn't have much money before. But he embezzled money form each agent, over five million in total. He bought luxuries for his wife every week, which cost him over ¥800,000. After the company bankrupted, he claimed he quit and disappeared. As a man who was responsible for the money before, he knew where the money went. But under such circumstance, he cheated customers in Xinjiang of over one million, making customers in Xinjiang report him. Besides, he asked customers to deposit funds knowing the withdrawals were inaccessible to get his commissions. What he has done is so disgusting. Since GTS problem hasn't been resolved and this guy opened a white label to scam people. Be careful


The following is the original recommendation


GTS爆雷到现在已经几个月了。几乎所有客户很代理的重心都放到老板身上,很多人对于内部的结构都不清晰不了解。以至于都无头苍蝇失去事情的辨别度。直截了当我来爆下内幕:此人名叫张俊,上海人,原跟随老板5年的员工。 2018年年底的时候老板把公司旗下所有的员工开除,只保留张俊和其老婆任职。 张俊主要职责负责三方支付通道的接入,后台的设置及管理,外汇平台流通性商的对接(与香港doo的对接)及佣金报表的结算。其老婆负责佣金的核对和展会及招商会的操办事宜,一般不暴露在视野中。2019年3月,gts正式和山东的王斌(原团队名叫五行团队,后自立门户叫永利资管)开始搞保险仓模式。由于保险仓模式带有传销的功能特性,客户即为代理,代理就是客户,所以短短的2个月的时间,通过招商会的形式迅速地从0拉拢到成百上千的客户。入金量也从初级的十几万美金的入金量达到上百万美金的入金量。接下来就是一个屌丝伴随平台一起起飞的高能历程:原本张俊只是个屌丝,工资不高,家住矮破小,照老板的话讲,连做个易拉宝都要拿回扣的小算盘人物。事实确实如此,平台方面每一笔的汇率差上面都是吃回扣的。在此上面都是不小的利润。由于代理佣金的利润巨大,稍微会做算数的人计算机一敲打就知道有100万美金的存量就够吃够喝了。于是一个管后台的又介于平台内部又有权利操作的人会放过这块肉否?在后来的日子里,但凡是和GTS合作的人都是开在其名下,变相收取好处费(因为多级分销的报表是需要他来统计),每个代理都拿回扣差,借着对外知道公司资金的流量能提前知道风险为理由问代理要保护费钱。据不完全统计,在8个月的时间里,大肆敛财将近500多万. 后来每周都大量为老婆购置奢侈品。不完全统计光奢侈品就买了80多万。在暴雷后的日子里,立马对外部宣称自己已经离职。并消失在公众视野里。对于代理商事宜已经gts事情完全不管不问。因为其为三方对接人员,知道公司资金的走向,而且在明知道资金有问题时候跑去新疆忽悠新疆客户入金100多万。导致后来新疆客户集体发飙报案报此人。而且在资金无法出金期间,明知有进无出的情况下让客户入金入到自己的卡头内。然后用平台内的佣金进行内转来大肆套现。更甚至于直接通过三方支付的卡头更换将客户资金入到自己准备的枪手卡头内进行敛财。做法及其恶心。现在gts事情未了,此人又开了个白标平台进行诈骗中,大家都小心。

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