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2019-12-02 17:09 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Scam HX金融

Mr. Liang is from Changsha. His family operates a chain restaurant. Because his family is relatively rich, he usually spends his free time in stock trading. He usually browse the stock information on the Internet, and add some stock exchange groups to exchange and learn with each other. By chance, he added a stock friend on the Internet. Through simple communication, Mr. Liang found that this person was professional and was a gorgeous, so the two people communicated more and more frequently. One day Mr. Liang asked how did she study the stock so much. She said that she was following a master and pulled him into the group, in which there was a teacher who recommended stock everyday.The he bought some recommended stocks and profited a little.One month later, saying that the stock market was volatile, he recommended us to trade in HX金融 with 10 times leverage.So member all deposited 200000 RMB to follow the teacher.However, losses overrode profits and there was only 50000 RMB left.The teacher advised him to add fund to low the risk.With his sweet words, Liang added 300000 RMB.But eventually, his account became forced liquidation.He realized and asked for all compensation.But he was blocked by the teacher.


The following is the original recommendation


梁先生是长沙人,家里是做连锁餐饮的,由于家庭比较富裕,平时闲赋在家,专业炒股。平时也经常在网上浏览股票信息,加些股票交流群与群友互相交流学习。偶然的机会,在网上加了个股友,通过简单交流梁先生发现,此人不断股票分析头头是道,表现的很专业,而且还是个大美女,所以两人交流的越发频繁。某天梁先生问对方,你个女孩子家的,怎么对股票这么有研究。对方婉委透露表示自己在一个VIP群跟着一个很厉害的大师学的,并说梁先生如果想进自己可以引荐下将梁先生拉进去。出于好奇和学习交流的想法,梁先生请求对方将自己拉入了群中。群里有老师每天做大盘分析和股票讲解,有时候也会帮个别群友分析下持有的股票并每天都会在群里推荐几只牛股。两位老师讲解的异常专业,一看就是大师级别的。梁先生观察了几天后,发现老师推得票也比较准确,总的来说大多数都是上涨的。后续的一段时间,梁先生也跟了几只票,也小有盈利,有时候也会在群里跟老师探讨和请教下股票知识。慢慢的就跟老师熟络了起来。 这样持续了将近一个月的时间,有天老师在群里做完一轮股票分析后,在群里说最近股市行情不太好,盈利太少了,比较难做,自己最近在华信里面做股票配资,同样的本金十倍的杠杆,盈利也水涨船高。并推荐给大家,希望能帮大家放大盈利。由于之前梁先生跟着老师做股票都有盈利,但确实赚的都不多,想着可以放大盈利,本金也不需要太多,所以也没有怀疑其他,于是询问老师怎么开户入金。在群助理的协助下成功开户入金20万,准备跟着老师大干一场。可是自从在华信入金后,跟着老师操作了几天总是亏多赚少,几天账户资金就只剩下5万块。于是梁先生去询问老师怎么办,老师却表示的很淡定,告诉梁先生不要着急,后续会有大行情,肯定能带梁先生赚钱,但考虑到梁先生资金量太小,抗风险能力较小,建议最好是加大资金量,降低风险,等到行情到来一定可以大赚一笔。然后就是一顿画饼和专业术语,说的梁先生意气风发,决定要跟着老师好好干,于是又入金30万跟着老师继续操作。可是迎接梁先生的确实一波接一波的亏损和爆仓,最后所有本金亏损殆尽。此时的梁先生才反应过来,于是去找老师对峙,老师又是一顿大忽悠。醒悟的梁先生不再相信老师的话,认为自己的亏损全是在老师忽悠和指导下造成的,要求对方退还所有亏损,在几次沟通无果后,梁先生被老师拉黑了V信。

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